AGM 2017

The time of year has come! The time where the CSS Committee step down and pass the torch onto a new team to carry the future CSS banner into battle and lead the greatest society on Earth!

We shall be supplying Pizza, Beer and Democracy! (the big three). All you need to bring is your voice!

The Annual CSS AGM is the event where we gather together as a society and discuss how the year has gone and vote on how we continue forward (as well as voting in a brand new committee!)


The head of the committee and the person mainly responsible for the committee. The President leads the society. The President also organises committee meetings, chairs all meetings and makes the agendas. The President is also generally responsible for delegating responsibilities and making sure people are on top of their jobs. Generally, if outsiders want to interact with the society, the President will be their first point of contact.

Alessio Zakaria

As a member of this years committee I believe that we have provided a great year of events and opportunities. I will continue the packed year we’ve had, as well as tailor events more to the student body by holding more larger hack-style events like the Hackathon and Google Hash Code. Tutorials and introduction type events would be held to ensure that all who want to take part have the confidence to do so. These events could be held in conjunction with other engineering department societies to create a wider community as well as expand everyone’s skill-sets.

I also want to increase the role that the society plays in academic and pastoral care by providing dedicated pathways for members of the society to escalate issues to do with workload, quality of work and any other academic or pastoral issue. The society must be better equipped to deal with, and be more involved with the academic side of university life. This could potentially be in the form of collating revision notes for modules or arranging study groups.

Kyle Welch

I think Computer Scientists at Bristol form an amazing community of people and I want to make sure the community is given every opportunity to thrive. I want the society to be one where everyone feels like they can openly contribute and have an impact on what the society does. As President my key policies would be to introduce a spring formal, organise more regular socials, and provide members with more opportunities to take part in events that enrich their academic interests (Hackathons, Coding Challenges, etc.). If you’d like to know more about my policies, check out my manifesto.


Second in command. The Vice-president assists the president in matters and is generally responsible for sponsorship (Getting sponsorships, getting contracts, being the point of contact for sponsors, etc.). The Vice-president can also act as a secondary chair for meetings (Or the primary chair if the President can’t make it but wants the meeting to go ahead).

Ross Gardiner

It’s been great fun to be webmaster this year. Among other things, I:

  • Relaunched the society website and job board
  • Designed a whole load of posters and merchandise
  • Helped run over 20 events

This year, I want to:

  • Run joint events, especially with BEEES and Women in Engineering.
  • Communicate better with sponsors, giving us more freedom to do what you want.
  • Make the new MVB hackspace a hub for informal, interdisciplinary learning.
  • Fix the SSLC - CS students don’t know how to bring issues to the attention of the department.


Responsible for taking down minutes of every meeting and AGM/EGM, as well as making the minutes available. The secretary is also responsible for making sure the document side of things are functioning well (Health and safety forms, Freshers Fair stall form, any other SU documents, etc.).

Thomas Walker

Everyone has that friend who deals with the paperwork for group trips; I’m always that person, so if you vote for me you know that the role of Secretary is in safe hands.

With all the other candidates promising bigger and better events, an efficient and organised administrative side of the CSS is more important than ever to ensure that next year is the greatest year for the CSS so far. I’ve worked as a part of a committee before as Head Boy of my school, which has given me the skills and experience needed for this role. I’ve also gained experience dealing with important forms and documents when I worked at an accountants.

Many of you may believe that the document side of things are boring, however I understand just how essential the role of Secretary is to guaranteeing the efficient running of the CSS and would love the chance to fill that role this year.

Eleanor Cox

The secretary position is essential for keeping CSS running smoothly, but is often kept behind the scenes. I want to encourage transparency by publishing minutes for all to see so society members know what’s going on and can actively support or oppose changes being made. I’m experienced with administration, having run a first aid course, an afterschool club, sales events for a Young Enterprise company and large group trips, all of which required extensive documentation. But most importantly, I’m here to ensure documents are filled in before you even know you need them!

Above the role of secretary, I aim to be a proactive committee member who will work for your best interests. I’d like to foster a greater sense of community, ensuring everyone knows who the committee members are and where they can go to get the help they need, be it with running an event or applying to internships. And finally, whilst mental health is a buzzword around the University, I believe it is massively important to ensure the wellbeing of every individual in our department and that it is the duty of the society to do as such. CSS will be there for you, and will work together with the SSLC and the SU to give you a more balanced university life.


Responsible for controlling our money. The Treasurer is CSS’ contact with our bank and is responsible for any matter involving money. They are also responsible for setting up bank access for themselves and the President. The Treasurer should provide a ‘Treasurer’s update’ (Just a quick update about how much money is in the account) at committee meetings about every month or so.

John Griffith

Last year as events Organiser I was in charge of running all our events throughout the year. I successfully helped organise a wide variety of tech talks, coding competitions and our annual Hackathon.

This year I want to be in charge of ensuring that we have the money available to run all our events. Pizza is expensive!

I aim to do this by

  • Strengthening existing ties with our sponsors
  • Seeking out new links with exciting tech companies (We have a lot of less well known startups in Bristol!)
  • Look to collaborate more with BEEES and Women In Engineering
  • Being good with numbers, making sure everything adds up!

Elias Kassell Raymond

Last year I worked for several not-for-profit organisations, and would love to use the skills I acquired to provide fresh and innovative methods for managing the society’s money.

As treasurer, I will focus on several key aspects of our organisation.

Being as open as possible about our assets and their availability to members of the society. For example, I will look to expand on our collection of Arduinos/Raspberry Pis, sensors and motors for the next Hackathon!

Investment in the future. A stronger society will lead to an increased number of sponsors, and will increase the amount of money they are willing to splurge on us (meaning more free pizza!).

Collaborating with other societies. As the main society for the best course in Bristol, we should show off our talents to as many other societies as possible.

Believe in CSS!

Events Lead (fka Events Rep)

Part of the Events team. The Events Lead leads the Events team, is mainly responsible for any events that the society holds (Besides socials) and works with the Outreach Officer and Equality and Diversity Officer to organise events (Such as Hackathons, Tech Talks, Workshops, etc.)

Vansh Dassani

I’ve had some experience running tech-based events at a startup accelerator, and believe that I can bring a lot to the committee. I’d like to increase the amount of outreach the committee does with regards to events, because I’ve often not heard about various events until after they’ve happened. I’m keen to get fellow students more involved with the tech community within Bristol, as it’s a great way for us to gain and improve skills, and make connections that could help us in the future. Some of the events I would like put on include Start-up showcases, Elevator pitch competitions and networking events with professionals in the Bristol area.

Samat Alpyssov

My name is Samat Alpyssov and I am applying to be Events Lead, because:

  1. I love Computer Science Society and I would be very happy and passionate about helping CSS to organise great and memorable events.
  2. I was responsible for organising lots of different events in my high school, including “Graduation official party” and “Graduation day”.
  3. I developed adaptability, flexibility and cultural awareness during studying in different countries with students from all over the World. These will help me to hear the voices of all the members of the CSS committee and conduct a variety of completely different activities, at the same time interesting for all members.
  4. I developed team working skills during working in CELFS team on IFP (International Foundation Program) in the University of Bristol, where I helped with organising Online Open days for prospective students.
  5. I was elected to be a Course Rep for the next academic year (2017-2018). I am sure, this position will help me and the whole CSS committee to achieve higher heights, then ever before.

Outreach Officer

Is a part of the Events team. The Outreach Officer is mainly responsible for events that relate to the society’s Outreach side of things and is the main point of contact for Outreach affairs. The Outreach Officer is also responsible for working with the Events Lead and Equality and Diversity Officer to organise events (Even events not relating to Outreach)

Palvi Shah

The Outreach officer’s main role is to work with outside organisations such as schools to increase exposure to Computer Science. When I was doing my A-Levels, I would have benefited from someone introducing me to the possibilities of this field. As Outreach Officer, I really want to inspire new people to get into Computer Science who wouldn’t have originally considered it as a path for them.

As a part of the Events Team, I would like to get more people involved in future CSS events and bring together people from the CSS society and the wider community by organising new outreach events. For example, a mentoring scheme.

Equality and Diversity Officer

Is a part of the Events team. The Equality and Diversity Officer is mainly responsible for events that relate to the society’s Equality and Diversity side of things and is the main point of contact for Equality and Diversity affairs. The Equality and Diversity Officer is also responsible for working with the Events Lead and Outreach Officer to organise events (Even events not relating to Equality and Diversity)

Iwan Pettifer-Cole

Equal representation for all students in the department, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability and background is something I will deliver as your Equality and Diversity officer.

I am committed to ensuring the department and society are free from any and all forms of discrimination. I will ensure that those who have been subject to any discrimination have an approachable and confidential channel on which to report the incidents.

From my experience in the LGBT+ Society, I will promote diversity in all CSS events and socials, as everyone should feel welcomed and be able to enjoy all the opportunities the society has to offer.

Being in university is challenging, and I believe that achieving true equality plays a key role in mental well-being.

🌈 In the wise words of RuPaul, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” 🌈


Responsible for maintaining our website. This involves ensuring the website is up and running, reviewing submitted pulls on Github, reviewing submitted jobs to our jobs board, etc. The Webmaster is also responsible for making sure the society has the tech it needs to run (For example, making sure we have the correct HDMI conversion cables that speakers can use for their Tech talks)

Louis Heath

Vote for me to be Webmaster if you value the CSS website and want it to be in reliable hands. I promise that every event and job post will be up swiftly and smoothly, and that all tech talks rooms have a plentiful supply of cables, adapters and extensions.

Some skills I can bring to the table:

  • I work as a Deliveroo courier - I am committed to providing the best service possible at all times, and I manage my time efficiently.
  • I used to work at Waitrose - responsible for ensuring that no customers fall ill from out of date food, I learned to be reliable and consistent in my efforts.
  • I volunteered teaching children to swim - caring for and guiding children as young as six takes patience and strong communication skills as well as a high level of trust between me and both my pupils and my peers.
  • I enjoy being in a team - I have a long history playing rugby and I am part of the University’s Boat (Rowing) Club; both of which require the ability to cooperate - essential for being part of a committee.

Sports And Social Officer (fka Sports Rep)

Responsible for managing/organising our sports teams and society socials. The Sports And Social officer should set up teams for sports where there is sufficient demand within the society for it and should also set them up within the SU league, if desired. The Sports And Social Officer is also responsible for organising society socials, contacting the location to book the social and getting any discounts (if possible)

Katie Marquand

“You can retake an exam but you can’t relive the sesh” - These are the wise words I want the Computer Science Society to live by. If I am elected I would like to introduce more frequent, bigger and better socials than ever before. These will be everything from pub golf, scavenger hunts and club nights, to paintball or board game nights, but I will make sure there is something that everyone can get involved in. My aim is to create an even bigger sense of community within the society and make sure that everyone has a good experience.

I would also like to introduce an End of Year Ball as an opportunity to celebrate everything throughout the year and have another chance to drink and be merry.

On the sport side of things, I’m an avid hockey player and have already been involved in the SU league this year so I am familiar with how things are run. I am keen to get teams together if the demand is there for a more relaxed opportunity to play.

If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true.

Advertising Officer (fka Press Officer)

Responsible for the society’s advertisement and designs. The Advertising officer should design a poster for every event the society holds (Tech Talks, Hackathons, Socials, etc.) and is responsible for making the designs for merchandise such as Hoodies and Bar Crawl shirts.

Abdu Elturki

I have enjoyed being Advertising Officer for the 2016-2017 Committee, and I believe I could do even better job for the next year. I have made most of this year posters for the society, and in my opinion it has attracted a lot of attention, where I have worked many hours on them to make sure they look appealing. As Advertising Officer, I will make sure that our members won’t get any spammy emails and make sure to provide members the information that they want for every events, tech talks, and socials.


Motion 2017-01: Addition of 2 ‘General’ committee roles

This motion will add 2 CSS committee roles, both named ‘General’. These two roles will be full roles of the committee, have full voting rights (and will attend meetings) but will not have a specific responsibility. The ‘general’ role will be more of an assisting role to any other role that needs an extra pair of hands. For example, if the Treasurer needs to get forms filled and submitted to the bank but cannot do it, for some reason, or the Advertising officer needs posters put up but is away for a few days, the ‘General’ role can be asked to do either of these tasks.

Motion 2017-02: Introduce a first year CSS Rep

Currently, first years don’t have anyone to represent them on the CSS committee due to all positions being elected in the AGM during the previous year.

This motion proposes the CSS introduce a First Year CSS Rep to the committee. The position would be elected in an EGM in October or November. An interim rep would be elected at the AGM to hold the position until the EGM in October or November.

A First Year CSS Rep would be responsible for providing first year’s with a voice in the committee. They would also play a major part in organising first year specific events and schemes (like parenting) for the following year.

A First Year CSS Rep can only be nominated if they are currently studying their first year of Computer Science.

If you would like to run for a 2017/18 committee position or submit a motion, please fill out the form.

CSS Constitution

  • The deadline for applying for a committee position is Sunday 23rd April 11:59pm
  • The deadline for submitting a motion is Tuesday 25th April 11:59pm

If you are running for a position or submitting a motion, good luck! We hope to see you all at the AGM!

The Details


17:00 - 20:00

MVB 1.11


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