Next generation arm processors

The talk is held at Merchant Ventures Building, Room 1.11 and 1.11a. There will be food provided like always.

This talk describes the different phases of the processor development at Arm: from the moment it is just a concept on a piece of paper until it is completed and delivered to partners. It shows the different challenges that the engineering teams (performance modeling, design, verification, implementation) need to face. It also details some of the milestones the team needs to achieve during the development phase (from printing “hello world” to booting android). Finally, the talk presents the new Arm LITTLE core, the Cortex A55, released to partners this year which will be part of the next generation mobile phones.

Talk is given by Jose (Pepe) Gonzalez. Jose Gonzalez got his Ph.D. in January 2000 at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), in Barcelona, Spain. After 2 years teaching at the University of Murcia (Spain), in 2002 he joined the new Intel site in Barcelona. He worked 6 years doing research on low power microprocessors, thermal-aware multicores, and accelerators. Then, he moved to the Intel Xeon Phi design team, where he worked on the microarchitecture of the Knights Corner, Knights Landing, and Knights Hill cores. Intel closed the Barcelona site in May 2014 and he moved to Arm, in Cambridge. He has been the MemSys unit lead for the Cortex A55 core and currently, he is the co-technical lead of the new LITTLE core that will come after A55. More info

The talk will be in MVB 1.11 from 12-1

The Details


12:00 - 13:00

MVB 1.11/1.11(A)


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